Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Real Deal

It was too broad.
It was the parable of the unjust steward, so I opened with an illustration of integrity and claimed that Jesus is promoting integrity in his disciples. But I also layered the theme of dedication on top of it. I also backed up further and tried to give them the context of the parable.
In the end I found myself having bit off way more than I could chew, so I switched to an exhortation to the faithful fulfillment of the Sunday obligation as an example of how to live Christian integrity. The early version took 15 minutes, I cut the evening version down to 12. 9 minutes of it would still have been too long. I had too many points again.
I think I saw myself with 2 of the most popular mass times and got psyched into trying to hit a home run.
Some parts of the homily were fine and valuable. But on the whole, I needed to clean it up.
Not fun.

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